
Achieve seamless sales management integration within your ERP system. Effortlessly handle opportunities, proposals, and estimates, while predicting sales funnels and efficiently rewarding your sales team. All seamlessly connected with our top-tier CRM solution.


What is Sales Management

Sales management involves the practical implementation of a company's commercial activities.

Optimize your business success by efficiently overseeing sales teams, their compensation, and proposals. Sales Management orchestrates team efforts, capturing crucial data on proposals and estimates. 
CRM integration ensures comprehensive tracking of customer engagement across all sales interactions. Leverage reporting and forecasting for a comprehensive understanding of sales funnels and overall company performance.


Contact Prospects and Customers

Communicate with customers through email, phone or SMS and track communications.
Decorator Sales Management

Check the performance of sales teams

Keep track of what happens. Look at dashboards or see analytical sales data.
Decorator Sales Management
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“ The easiest and fastest ERP I worked with. Fabulous support and excellent data integrations. Using it for all of my companies and I have to say.. I am truly satisfied. ”

Managing a salesforce at your fingertips

Create beautiful proposals and estimates, composed and customized to fit your organization - completely!

Customize your sales to fit your needs

Customize your sales to fit your needs

Create beautiful and engaging sales materials

Creating estimates, drafting proposals, and managing the whole flow of your workforce works easy. All functionalities support the quick creation of the needed documentation according to company standards. 

Centralized sales management helps for faster sales cycles and ensures consistency throughout the sales process.

  • Manage sales materials centrally
  • Send proposals and estimates to customers automatically
  • Let customers sign via online-signature
Create compelling proposals incl. documentation

Create compelling proposals incl. documentation

Attach necessary and up-to-date documentation

A unique functionality is adding supporting documents for more technical specifications, business presentations, and much more. You can manage all kinds of documentation that can be added via a central hub. 

This way, you can create unique proposals that stick out and are always up to date with the latest information about your company, product, service, or more.

  • Dynamic offer generation
  • Inject supporting materials into the proposal
  • Manage documentation for every proposal
Convert proposals to estimates and invoices

Convert proposals to estimates and invoices

Quickly transform proposals and invoice customers

An essential feature for fast conversion of sales prospects is an easy conversion from a proposal to an estimate and, finally, the billable invoice. The system covers sales automation to get from a lead to a paying customer faster.

  • Full sales enablement from lead to customer
  • Easy conversion from proposals up until invoices
  • Fast sales cycle management

The Sales Management toolset leading companies trust

Tap into a global network of companies who already know and trust SIX.

500,000+ Proposals

have been processed

650,000+ Invoices

have been generated

500+ companies

use SIX to drive business and growth

Empowering independent business owners everywhere

We are not SaaS - You own your data!

Own your Sales data

You have your own decoupled pods with all your data. You decide who can access sales-related data. You own your data - always!

European solution

Trusted solution built with the strict European standards in mind. SIX is built for leading global companies.

GDPR compliant

Be on the safe side when it comes to customer data compliance. Our GDPR module makes it possible to manage all data without any hassles safely.

We are not SaaS - You own your data!

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