• ERP Systems
  • 22.08.2022

What makes a good and easy CRM system?

Things to pay attention to and look for in a proper Customer Relation Management Tool

Dr. Andreas Maier
Dr. Andreas Maier
“ If you think implementing CRM costs too much...you are doing it wrong. “

A CRM system is Software that helps businesses manage their customer relationships. It allows companies to track and store customer data, interactions, and contact information in one central location. But not all CRM systems are created equal. Some are much easier to use than others. So what makes a good and easy CRM system? Here are nine features that are essential for any good CRM:

1. Ease of Use

A CRM system should be easy to navigate and user-friendly. The User Interface should be simple, and the buttons should be self-explanatory. This helps to better manage customer relationships by making it easier for employees to use. In addition, a good CRM system should also have a good level of customizability. This allows businesses to tailor the system to their specific needs and business processes.

2. Customer Data Management

A good CRM system should have robust customer data management features. It should allow businesses to track customer interactions, contact information, and purchase history. This helps businesses better understand their customers and provide them with the best possible service.

3. Lead Generation and Management

A good CRM system should also have powerful lead generation and management features. It should help businesses generate leads through various channels such as social media, webinars, and events. In addition, the system should also help businesses track and manage their leads. This helps businesses stay on top of their sales pipeline and close more deals. 

4. Robust Reporting Capabilities

A good CRM system should have robust reporting capabilities so businesses can track their sales pipeline, sales activity, leads funnel, and more. This helps businesses understand their performance and identify areas where they can improve. In addition, robust reporting also helps businesses track their progress over time and measure the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns.

5. Customizable Fields

A good CRM system should have customizable fields that make it easier for the system to be used by every business. This allows businesses to tailor the system to their specific needs and business processes. In addition, customizable fields also make it easier for employees to use the system. They don't have to waste time figuring out how to use the system because it is already configured in a way that works best for them.

6. Integrations with Other Software

The system should be able to integrate with other Software that businesses use, such as their email marketing or accounting software. This allows businesses to easily transfer data back and forth between the different programs and improve efficiency.

7. Customizable and easy to adapt

Customizing the CRM according to company flows and processes specific to the company or industry is important. This allows the CRM to be tailored to the individual business and its needs. In addition, it also makes it easier for employees to use because they are already familiar with the system. Customizable fields and layouts also help improve efficiency by making it easier for employees to track customer data and interactions. So if you want a good and easy CRM system, fully customize it according to your company's unique flows and processes.

8. Necessary out-of-the-box functionalities

The most important functionalities, managing customers, managing deal-flow, managing reminders but also good additions, is the integration of call-center functionalities, call trackings, lead tracking, emails, and more.

When choosing a CRM system, you must ensure it has the needed features. However, features must also not get too bogged down by features. Often, CRM systems have many features that are rarely used. This can be counterproductive and can make it harder to use the system.

Instead, businesses should focus on the essential features they need and ensure that those features are implemented correctly.

9. Scalability

Many businesses underestimate the challenges of scalability of CRM systems (Or Software in general) and the costs associated with growing their sales team. A business using a CRM system is often a small team. As the business grows, more and more employees need access to the system. This can quickly become expensive if the system is based on per user/month pricing.

In addition, if the CRM system is not scalable, it can quickly become overloaded and bogged down. This can cause employees to have difficulty accessing the system and lead to data loss.

This is because businesses should make sure that their CRM system is scalable so that it can grow with their company. The system should be able to easily add new users and modules so that employees can continue to use the system without any problems. In addition, the system should be able to integrate with other software programs the business uses easily.


A good CRM system should have several essential features, such as the ability to manage customers, deal flow, and reminders. In addition, the system should be customizable and easily adapt to company-specific flows and processes. This makes it easier for employees to use and helps improve efficiency. Finally, the system should also be scalable to grow with the company.

If you're looking for a CRM system that offers all the features you need without the limitations and costs, SIX ERP is fully integrated with the ERP and offers CRM features like the leading solutions.

SIX ERP is a cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) software that offers CRM features similar to CRM-only solutions. It is fully customizable and can be adapted to company-specific flows and processes. In addition, it is scalable so that it can grow with the company.

About the author
Dr. Andreas Maier

Andreas is a result-oriented CEO who brings nearly 30 years of experience gained in the high-tech industry. His experience ranges up to leading positions in Fortune 100 companies such as rentalcars.com (PCLN) or Intrasoft International, a leading EU based R&D software vendor. He holds a Ph.D. in Neural Networks from the University of Cologne, Germany. 

In the past Andreas has successfully founded and co-founded several startups among others XXL Cloud Inc., eShopLeasing Ltd, and WDS Consulting SA. His expertise is strongly focused on modern headless Commerce and the optimization of processes in IT ecosystems.

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