Leads and Prospects Management

Rockstar your Sales funnel

Leads and Prospects Management
Leads and Prospects Management

The Lead / Prospect Management module in SIX ERP is designed to help you manage your leads and prospects effectively throughout the sales process.

This module provides powerful tools for tracking, managing, and converting leads into customers. This included proposals, reminders, and lead activity.

A tool that allows you to set up an entire custom Sales workflow and track sales performance through extensive reporting and visual aids like Kanban Boards.
With the sales Leads / Prospect Management, you can:

  • Track and manage your leads and prospects
  • Easily convert leads into customers
  • Overview of all interactions with each prospect
  • Connect to other modules to get a complete view of customers
  • Track customer interactions across departments
  • Create customer lists easily
  • Use personalized options and filter to get an easy overview
  • Manage your customer base and deal-flow effectively

The extensive lead and prospect list capabilities in SIX ERP make it easy to keep track of potential customers and track their progress through the sales funnel. The system can easily be searched to find the needed information, and you can create custom fields to track specific information about each prospect. This makes it easy to stay organized and keep track of your leads.

It's possible to upload and add leads with the import feature in your ERP software. This makes it easy to track all your potential customers in one place and can help you manage your sales pipeline more effectively.

Sales teams need a comprehensive and easy-to-use system for managing their leads and prospects. An optimized interface can help sales reps quickly and easily add, view, or edit lead data. This can help to create a good user experience for sales when managing the deal flow. Additionally, SIX ERP has a very good prospect management tool that can help sales reps to follow up on their progress in converting leads effectively into customers.

The SIX ERP system makes it easy to manage customer data in various ways. First, the system lets you track customer interactions and history in a detailed profile. This information can be used to generate proposals and tasks related to that customer and track files and notes associated with them. 
Additionally, the system can send reminders to keep you on top of important deadlines or conversations with the customer. Finally, the lead activity module provides a snapshot view of all activities related to that customer so that you can stay on top of their needs.

  • Profile
  • Proposals
  • Tasks
  • Files
  • Reminders
  • Notes
  • Lead Activity

Many sales professionals rely on a customer relationship management (CRM) system to store information about their leads and customers. This is why a good search functionality feature allows you to quickly find the information you need and even save filter templates for a better user experience. The detailed Deep Search will help you get every important piece of information from your prospects and leads quickly and easily.

  • Detailed Deep Search
  • Create personalized Filter Templates

Track Salespeople and Results through extensive Reporting features. Reporting and Kanban boards that visualize the sales process make tracking sales a snap. A completely customizable sales flow is key to sales success.

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“ The easiest and fastest ERP I worked with. Fabulous support and excellent data integrations. Using it for all of my companies and I have to say.. I am truly satisfied. ”

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